Books, Sewing, Creating, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

This post is going to be short and sweet.  Sometimes pictures can say it all, and maybe these pictures will resonate what I’m feeling for my lack of words.

Books:  My life is rich and full.  I feel very blessed.  I’m living to the fullest, I’m marinating my brain in books….ahhh, just love reading…currently RE-Reading “I Can See Clearly Now” by the beloved Dr. Wayne W. Dyer who’s passed onto the eternities!  (RIP) great soul.  I’m immersing myself in his teachings again and finding the music inside me and re-committing to living at a higher level.  Each day, I truly am a little better than I was the day before!


Reading List:  Angels – Donald Parry, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – Dale Carnigie and The Life-Changing magic of tidying up – Marie Kondo

Sewing:  I used to sew (15 yrs ago) and decided to pick this skill up again!  Re-learning from a designer – AnneB Designs.  So far so good:)  (See my Instagram)

Creating:  I’m always creating, but this month I’m involved in challenges!  Working on cards for ATC (Artist Trading Card) swap hosted by Grungearttica and working on Art Journaling –

I love mixed media  – GelliPrinting: wpid-20150525_104908.jpg

And if it was possible I’d spend 8 hours or more in my craft space everyday just creating something…for me or for another!  If I can make something that brings a smile to someone’s face —-that makes me happy!

I’ve got to go now…..and lastly here’s how I feel – in the name of Hendrix Song…..”Excuse me, while I kiss the sky!” I’ve got lots of work to get back to!

Thanks for stopping by, thanks for reading.  I love comments.  Have a blessed day!

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You might get what you ask for!

Hey, boom baby, cool baby, you might get what you asked for.  What?  What.  Seriously, I love listening to Talking Heads and I think David Byrne is Genius and my eye is twitching right now, but that’s ok….I’m going to make this short.  So I had ruby red slippers for a few years now and why in the world I didn’t use them to start art journaling several years ago is beyond me when I always had “scrap” books as a kid even making these mini books with “signature” type pages when I thought Siouxsie and the Banshees was the greatest and most bizarre gig on earth and dyed my hair black and played endlessly with eyeliner and shopped at Contempo Casuals to find the best punk outfit I could, oh wait, back to the point…. I’m really talking about art journaling here, so I recently re-discovered “scrapping” as art journaling/visual journaling and I know I’m going to be obsessed with it now and ya music is a big part!  


Music has always been a big part.  Art is Life/Music is Life!  But,  what about the line, “you might get what you asked for…”  You have to ask to find out things, I’ve been learning to ask, thus I’m finding out things.  If you want to know where to begin with Art Journaling ask away?  I’ll answer, I’m not an expert, but I’ve created a thing or two (about every week of my life!)



#artjournaling #music #talkingheads